WAZER Christmas Tree Ornaments

Nothing brings a desire to make more than the holiday season… you’re cooped up indoors bc its dark/cold/wet and just generally dreary (at least in December in NY)… you gotta get meaningful gifts for others… the Christmas music is starting to get you in the spirit. So this past holiday season we decided to kick December off at WAZER with cutting a handful of glass ornaments for the office and staff to take home. See some of the final WAZER ornaments below:

We also had an old used cut head laying around in the office so we hacked it into a sandblaster to frost the glass a little bit:

and the Final results:


Okay, I can’t lie. This is awesome. Surprisingly, they appear to not be heavy! My concern would be the thick glass weighs the branch down by a lot - what glass and thickness?

Also, was the same abrasive used to cut the design used to frost the pieces?

this is great man!
are there any sharp edges to the glass ? or did you grind the edges ?

@SnowZ117 I believe it was 3/16". Just the standard glass they had at the local glass cutting place. Used the same abrasive for the frosting, but highly recommend getting a proper fully contained sandblasting setup for next time!

@madebywitteveen.NL No sharp edges or anything worth grinding, just left it as is. I don’t recall having any edges that were concerning, but I do no tabs for all my glass cutting. If you left tabs I would suggest grinding/filing those points to be safe.