Water Recirculation

Hello I am new to Wazer. I just picked up a desktop model second hand. It was in decent shape and I got it for a good price.
I know it’s not recommended, but I plan on doing a closed loop water recirculation setup. I will have a 55 gallon water drum with a pump going from the drum to the wazer fill. There will be a reverse osmosis water filter coming from the water drain back into the drum… I will update as the project comes along.

This will be the setup. The gray will be the wazer pump and machine. The brow is pressure treated wood. The blue is a 30 gallon water barrel and the green is a 5 gpm water pump.

Did you get a chance to build this?

I did build it, but my pump started leaking before i got a chance to cut anything. I’m fixing that now. I’ll update after that gets fixed. Also. I ended up using a 5 gallon home depot bucket for the water circulation (i can always add on later)

How do you keep the TDS low with water recirculation

The water filter is supposed to reduce that. I will periodically test the water.

Here is the setup… the filter is located behind.