Looking for a place to troubleshoot WAZER? Find helpful advice and maintenance steps here.
I would like to take this moment to apologize for the issue you have run into - sorry for the road bump! Before starting a new topic, take a look at some of the issues that users have discussed already. You may find the answer you are looking for in an existing topic! If not, please create a topic with a short description of the problem in the title.
Problems with the WAZER can sprout at a moment’s notice. The troubleshooting advice that we provide will always be aimed at getting your WAZER back up and cutting. Our hope for this category is to help resolve these problems in a way that the whole community can see and provide their own feedback.
This will be a collaborative effort on the community and WAZER Support team. Every new post will eventually be viewed by someone, and I promise help is on the way - but be patient in the meantime.
A few reminders -
Please make sure that the suggestions you share with each other are accurate and safely address the issue at hand. Use your discretion when performing troubleshooting suggested by anybody other than the WAZER team.
If you have any doubts regarding a suggestion provided on the Forum, please reach out to the Support Team to confirm a resolution action plan.
If support is required immediately, please contact the WAZER Support team directly at Support — WAZER | The First Desktop Waterjet.
The advice found in this section is NOT intended to replace or contradict the User Manual. ALWAYS follow safe operations of your WAZER by following the instructions in the manual at User Manual Downloads — WAZER | The First Desktop Waterjet.
WARNING - In the event of ignoring the User Manual and following unsupported advice found here, your Warranty and Support Services can be void. Damage to your WAZER, environment, or injury/death to the user is possible. Please be careful when exercising the advice found here - you will be fully responsible for the outcome.