Hey @DawnWazer welcome to the forum! Glad to see your excited to get your WAZER and begin cutting!
The WAZER is definitely capable of cutting soda lime glass thicker than 6mm! The materials that appear in the database are the ones that we have performed testing on to determine the cut settings needed.
Soda lime and art glass typically comes in thinner sheets and we have not performed the testing needed to determine settings for thicker sheets. I’m certain that your WAZER could cut the same thicknesses that appear for Boro glass, those settings just haven’t been created yet! In a pinch you can use the Boro setting to cut soda lime glass, the settings are very similar and should give you good results.
There is also a feature on the WAZER that will allow you determine the cut settings needed for a material that does not appear in the database. With these settings you can then create a custom material setting in WAM and expand your materials database. Check out my forum post about it here or the online article on this feature here.
Looking forward to seeing what you cut with your WAZER!