Can the WAZER cut any type of glass?

Hi There,
I’m really interested in purchasing the small water-jet cutter for cutting glass - it looks amazing. I’ve watched the videos of glass artists talking about the cutter and seen samples online. I’ve also read the forums. The glass that I see being cut in videos or shown on the forums is mostly opaque. Will the machine cut any type of glass i.e. thinner clear glass and Cathedral glass?

All the best

Hi James, Yes it will cut cathedral and the thinner glass. I use Bullseye for my pieces. I’m a production shop so I do use a variety of different kinds with their glasses, 3mm opaque and cathedral and the 2mm cathedral and opaque as well. It gives me shapes that I can’t cut by hand along with plenty of shapes that I can cut my hand. Those that I cut by machine saves my hands from so much wear and tear since I can get one of them out in 16 seconds vs 1 min or so by hand. Wear and tear on my hands are a concern now that I’m my 40+ yr of doing my glass full time now. Gotta keep them healthy. Even with the some of the fits mine throws, she’s still well worth it for me to have. She’s like my employee.


Thanks CharB - that’s great to know. Do you use any sacrificial material under the glass to support it as described in some other posts?

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