It appears that the cut head is making 2 passes when cutting. that doesn’t seem like a normal thing. It did it when we used the samples after first setup, (last week). And sometimes on our real parts. Using outside cut parameter and centerline.
Hi Lance,
When a cut is being performed twice we know that the .gcode file that is being read contains these commands, this is likely due to the feature your are cutting being drawn twice. WAM will interpret all lines in your drawing as cut lines, even if there are two in the same area!
I recommend checking your drawing to ensure it only contains a single copy of the feature you are cutting. If you are still seeing this issue please reach out to us at and share your .gcode/design files with us so that we can take a deeper look!
Thank you,
I understand that it might make two passes if there are multiple lines drawn, but it also did it on the sample cuta that is included on the card from the factory.
Hi Lance,
Thanks for keeping me updated! That is certainly very strange, I’d recommend performing a Firmware refresh to remove the possibility of some sort of corruption to this file. We’ve seen some weird behavior that’s been fixed by an update, I hope it helps with this issue too! See the page below:
If you are still seeing this issue after refreshing the Firmware please reach out to us at and share your files with us so that we can take a look into this!
Thank you,
Good evening Greg,
I’m having this same problem with my wazer pro. I’m certain there aren’t multiple lines in my design file and I’ve tried updating the firmware and config file as you suggested above. However, it’s still doing it. Wasting a lot of time and garnet, and ruining parts. I sure hope there’s a fix for this!
Hey Dan,
Sorry to hear that your running into this issue too.
Its very strange that the lines are being cut twice even though there is only a single line in your drawing. I’m not sure exactly what’s going on here, I would need to take a look at the drawing (.dxf/.svg) and the cut file (.gcode) to figure out the root cause.
Would you mind sending us an email at with these two files so I can take a closer look?