I went through a few prototypes before getting it right. All test where done in plexiglass as it was available and I would not have to worry about it breaking during testing.
Wow - Thanks so much for sharing! I had no idea what an OR gate is, and the concept you have here is so cool!
Not going to lie, I am in love with how clean the stand-off glass is. I’d like to make a recommendation for the wireless version you are thinking about - add RGB lights in order to sell it to the Gaming market!
Next version will definitely use them. Since it will be wireless I’ll consider pwm on the LEDs as to save power. Will also have to learn. A bit about sleep states. Will be fun.
I might change the V2 to another gate symbol slightly… well for the change I’ll engrave the glass on the bottom round portion to mimic a XOR gate. Not sure yet but it’s just an idea.
That rev 2 will be way better. I got my hands on some counter sink bits. I plan on making the it look smoother. To hold the glass down I was thinking of epoxy adhesive for M3 or m2.5 threaded spacers/standoffs. So I can screw them from bottom and have it smooth.
Also buy some thin rubber feet. Those I had laying around. The middle layer would be 2 parts… 1/8 or 1/4 in wood. Laser cut tho . It’s going to be cool.