Template to Document Time and Project Data

Wondering if anyone has developed a method orf template file to input information into to keep track of time on the machine, as the Wazer has predetermined maintenance and part replacement after 300, 600 hours of operation, etc. The work flow is detached from the computer in that the cut file is transferred to the machine via an SD card. This file or system could be expanded to keep track of what file was used for what job -as the benefit of cnc is that it is repeatable over time, but only if you remember the file you used.
I can see the benefit of a file or system like this in an exel spreadsheet or in a relational database. The input could be incremental, chronological (also searchable) and a link can be inserted to a cell in the job entry to directly open the GCode files from a particular job.
I can see tabs in an excel file or separate files in a simple database program that are linked, to be very helpful and simple, once a procedure is established. Ex. Tab for: Design Time (with link to origin of base file, link to editable file), GCode File and Cutting Info (link to GCode File), Client Info (who, what, where and when), Packaging, Shipping (etc).

If you’re trying to track cut time on the machine so maintenance interval purposes, I think it would be easier to have a paper log next to the machine. Since the actual cut time doesn’t always match the WAM estimated cut time, just write down the actual cut time at the end of each job and total it up periodically.

Thanks Jeff. Maintenance did trigger the request. I agree, paper is the way to begin. Like typical processes - best to start analog and once the time is justified to automate the process. Otherwise I’d be spending time to set something up that could be a waste of time.