Selling WAZERV1.5 - Rhode Island


We are looking to give our Wazer a new home. We are a manufacturer from Rhode Island and are moving to a new location and are unable to take it with us. It has been lightly used and runs well with no blemishes to the machine (see attached photo

Wazer Model - WAZERV1.5
Serial Number - M150164600
Serial Number Pump Box P15A158700
Total Cutting Time - 41:41:39

We are looking to sell for about $8,000, please inquire for additional information on the Wazer and/or pricing.


I’m interested but am on the West coast. Any idea what shipping would be to the Seattle area?

Hi Michael,
I am checking what our shipping cost to the Seattle area would be. I should have a quote sometime today.

Hi Michael,
Shipping ground via single pallet freight should cost around $325 and take about 6 days from us to you. If you are still interested in the Wazer I’d be more than happy to exchange information to chat further about the details.

Thanks Tom.

I would like to get more details like why you can’t take it with you to your new place; what materials you were cutting with it, etc.

Here’s my email.


Tom, if you haven’t sold it let me know we are local to you.

hi i have 1 like new for sale on connectcut

i have one in northern california if you really want one. i am fed up with it and theBS “support”

Thanks but I found one last summer and have been loving it!

how can you deal with the horrible WAM software or are you using Fusion 360 with the plugin. Many people find that WAM is some of thew worst CNC software ever written. what did you pay for it? I have almost a ton of sand extra nozzle stand an d other spare parts. i would like to figure out a reasonable price to ask or just keep it if i can not get much for it.

did you sell it, what did you get. i would like to price mine reasonably

I use Fusion 360 in its sheet metal mode and then clean up the dxf in Vectorworks before sending it to WAM. I don’t know about the plug-in for Fusion 360, I only have the hobby version if that matters. So far I’ve had good luck with that file flow and Wazer support has been very helpful when small issues arose, usually my user error. Sorry your experience hasn’t been optimal.

I paid $7000 for Wazer on the stand, extra nozzle, 2 new beds and a few bags of aggregate, including shipping from the East coast.


I use Rhino and it throws in all sorts of crap that can be hard to find. I have my favorite tricks to find things like open or incomplete curves but finding duplicate curves is a challenge. I have a student license for fusion 360 but I have always (an d still do) find anything by Autodesk to be counterintuitive and just plain not fun to use which is why I am avoiding the use of fusion with the plugin to eliminate ate WAM. I was going to write my own post processor but think it would make more sense to get familiar with fusion instead. I know it would be months before i had something working reliably. I am downloading Vectorworks and hope it might do some clean up as you suggest. I might need to take another course at the community college to maintain m y student status :slight_smile: Most of my problems with WAM are due to the fact that what I usually make needs to be precise an d I want control over things like cut order and blah blah. I have found that it is best for me to use centerline always as this is the default if WAM can not find a closed curve to determine inside and outside. Rhino is pretty good at making offsets but i still find that i need to make test cuts take measurements and repeat. i really would prefer to not have to do this and to use be able to specify cut order and offsets in a reasonable way. I use Light Burn for my laser machines and it is a joy to use (most of the time) I just wish Wazer would hire the Light Burn team to write a version for the Wazer. I have contacted them and they might do this when time permits. Being able to control the machine directly from a computer would make m y testing and repeat process so much easier. I do not like having to home for every cut and to answer the five stupid question every time and if i click OK too many times having to start over. Also do not like the display blanking randomly and the speed override changing on its own. If I were just using the machine for cutting stained glass pieces with no need for precision I would be thrilled. What i usually make are parts that need to fit very accurately and there is too much really annoying trial and error much of which could be eliminated by decent software and firmware.

I sort of remember that you are in the Seattle area? My niece is having a new little guy soon in Seattle and we will probably be visiting once we are welcome. I need to teach the guy computer programming :slight_smile: Would you be up for a visit some time in the future to see how you run your Wazer?

i got vectorworks and can not find any tools to clean up a DXF. i have explored all the help options and there is nothing i can find. what are you using to clean up DXFs?

Yes, I use the Wazer to cut glass and sheet metal and it suits my purposes just fine. I’m not looking for vacuum chamber precision.

I live on the Olympic Peninsula, about 2 hours from Seattle. I don’t know how I could show you anything different about how I run my Wazer. I’m still in the early stages of working with it. The stained glass piece shown here is a recent project which would have driven me crazy if I had to cut all those 175 pieces by hand and have them fit together properly.



if i used the wazer to cut glass primarily i would probably not be so annoyed with the annoyances that get in the way of what i do. maybe i should start making stained glass.

I have one for sale please see the listing

Have one for sale please see other listings thanks