Moving the Wazer Around

The new Wazer is a beast, at 700 pounds delivered. Getting it in the building was a challenge. Here’s a solution I found, that may be useful for you too- Rhino Cart All Terrain Mover. A new type of dolly, that is rated for 2,000 pounds and it’s good on irregular terrain. If you need to pass through a narrow doorway and the Wazer legs are in a different direction, simply make a plywood base the size of the Wazer footprint and place the dolly in the center of it.
Videos or the Rhino Cart in action - even moving a car with it!
I had one delivered from Costco for nearly half list price in an hour.

I took the pipes that attach the rolling sides off because the smallest setting leaves the pipes sticking out the side and may not pass through a doorway. Here they are upside down on the plywood base. (Pipe removed with button spring)

Because I needed to go down a ramp with my Wazer, I drilled holes and screwed them into the plywood with 3/4" screws.

When done, the dolly can be removed and reassembled to move other things.

Tilting the unit back like a wheelie on a skateboard, allows movement over thresholds. Tilting it down allows you to push one side of the Wazer off the end, then tilt the Wazer a little more so the other side is off and slide the dolly out. I then put a thin piece of plywood under the back two legs and lifted the front, while pushing it back into position. This makes the plywood slide on the floor, instead of the pedestals, which minimizes the jostling on the pedestals and machine.